Monday, February 3, 2020

Art Questions

1) The mood of the image (number 1) is tense as well as seldom. This is evident in the color wheel used as well as the harsh brush marks present. The facial expression is seldom and almost seems to show signs of pain or as if they have something to tell. Their posture is stiff.
2) I think the images were created with oil painting due to the hues seen in the picture as well as the composition.
3) Color plays a big role in the painting. It creates the mood and makes you view the image in a certain light. It also makes certain things stand out and draws attention to the focus.
4) I think the artist was trying to convey the message of thought. The point was to have the person viewing the painting decide what was wrong/what the message was since it is clearly something of negative conotation.I think the effort was successful because it really made me analyze the painting and all it had to offer to determine the meaning of it.

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