Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Narrative Project

Reflection of Semester 1 Reflection

"Second semester I plan to work on the originality as well as complexity of my work. By this I mean focusing on the details to make my work look better and simply coming up with better ideas, more specifically not going with the first thing that comes to mind."
    I would give myself an 8/10 for following through with this statement. I have been putting more thought into my pictures but could be better about the details. Overall, my projects clearly have some effort and originality.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Letter to the Past

    In this class it is important to use your time wisely and pay attention to directions. You have a lot of personal time so before you do your Spanish homework make sure the project is done!! Also don't do the first thing that comes to mind, 10 people probably thought of the same thing. Do some research and really think about what you can possibly do to produce something different. In order to be successful in this class all you have to do is try and turn in your assignments. Do your best work, touch up on everything, think outside the box, and be on time. The reason your cubism project was so successful is because you used all the skills you had learned with filters and photoshop to create an interesting, appealing piece that met the credentials. This much effort should go in to all your work!

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

The Importance of Art

    I completely disagree with the statement "Tax dollars should not be wasted on art, music or theater classes in high school. Public high school should be about training young people to entertain the work force. Period". I think it is important for young people to express themselves as they go through the challenging teenage years. By expressing themselves, they get to know themselves throughout the process which is part of growing up and developing your own morals. Tax dollars should most definitely go towards activities of the sort. Creativity is not something taught, but influenced. Creativity stimulates high levels of brain power which is the sole purpose of school. Besides, why rush kids to grow up? High school consists of the most crucial years of learning as well as messing up. This is supposed to be one of the best times of your life, so why rush it?

Monday, February 3, 2020

Art Questions

1) The mood of the image (number 1) is tense as well as seldom. This is evident in the color wheel used as well as the harsh brush marks present. The facial expression is seldom and almost seems to show signs of pain or as if they have something to tell. Their posture is stiff.
2) I think the images were created with oil painting due to the hues seen in the picture as well as the composition.
3) Color plays a big role in the painting. It creates the mood and makes you view the image in a certain light. It also makes certain things stand out and draws attention to the focus.
4) I think the artist was trying to convey the message of thought. The point was to have the person viewing the painting decide what was wrong/what the message was since it is clearly something of negative conotation.I think the effort was successful because it really made me analyze the painting and all it had to offer to determine the meaning of it.