Monday, December 16, 2019

Semester 1 Reflection

    I like to think the quality of my work in this class is pretty nice, but it could be better (cleaner). My assignments support my strong work ethic even though there is room for improvement. I clearly make an effort in this class as represented by my grade. I stay on top of my assignments and try my best to demonstrate what I have learned in this class up to this point. I participate in discussion and always do what is assigned while following the guidelines. I have improved my skills of photoshop tremendously having entered this class knowing nothing about the topic. It was a rough start and I had to ask a lot of questions in the beginning, but I have a fairly good understanding of what I'm doing now and I am more confident about my photography as well as editing skills. Second semester I plan to work on the originality as well as complexity of my work. By this I mean focusing on the details to make my work look better and simply coming up with better ideas, more specifically not going with the first thing that comes to mind.

     I think an interesting project would be to have to find every letter of the alphabet depicted in everyday things around school and the have to make an index print of the best pictures from each letter.

Friday, December 13, 2019

"The Last Girl" Part2 Response

    The image is a close-up of a little girl. It is very large and detailed allowing for every detail to be seen. She can't be any older than 8. She has blueish green eyes, an auburn eye shadow around her eyes, very fair skin, light brown wavy hair, and chapped lips. The size obviously draws attention to the image. The girl seems unhappy. An unhappy child is not a happy sight so it causes someone to question what is wrong. Since the matter is not elaborated on further than the title "The Last Girl" it is up to the audience to determine the meaning/circumstance. The image appears to be multiple panels of cloth material secured together. The image is in an urban industrial area near some sort of port so people on boat or possibly car passing by would see it while casually going along with their day. The fade colors (unpigmented) as well as the emotionless expression of the girl easily catches one off-guard. I think the title suggests a young girl having to grow up too quickly and while doing so try to fit the steriotype of the pressures of being a young women, hints the heavy makeup.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Gottfried Helnwein Picture

    The image is very texturized and depicts the face of a girl with a man hanging from a piece of hair as if he was rock climbing. The picture is very detailed, to the point you can see the pores of her face clearly. This is an artistic image (not a documentary image- historical). The picture is absolutely photoshopped. I think the author was trying to convey the message of "holding on by a thread" but in this case, a hair. Based on the fact the girl is obviously wearing a good amount of makeup, I took the message as she is trying to fit in and be accepted which is an exhausting thing to do. This can be very easily cause someone to feel like they are on the edge of a breakdown or are about to give up. Hints "holding on by a hair".